Driving down Precinct Line Road, in the middle of Texas, I saw two men chopping wood. I drove down the dirt road into the trees, introduced myself and watched them for a while. My first gallery show focused on their work that day - John, pictured here, and his buddy, Richard.
People are so compelling, like this actor, reading a script. All the stories of the world are told in our faces. I still paint people, and still paint in oil, most often children or men.
When I paint by commission, I either do small, detailed paintings or looser, larger pieces. For instance, this piece of a tiny child, new world, is a detailed portrait. It has an intimate feeling.
Looser, larger pieces of art, like Light, are often set outdoors. They feel fresh and open. I paint people as I find them in the moment, the spirit the subject exudes and the light that surrounds them. Feel free to contact me with any questions.